Healthy Foods are Good for you!

Grains make up the most of your daily intake. It is also the most important part of your daily diet. Grains are divided into two groups: whole and refined. Whole grain is grain that is not processed by man, while refined grain is grain that is processed to make it taste better. However, because refined grain has been processed, its nutrients are also removed. The interesting thing, however, is that there is also enriched refined grain, which adds the removed nutrients back in grain, with the exception of fiber. This is why for the best combination of taste and health, eat enriched refined grain.


Junk Foods are Tasty

Goldfish, a trademark of American junk food, contains ingredients that may be disturbing if known in a more common name. For instance, it contains catalyzed yeast, a kind of fungi It also contains mono calcium phosphate, known to be ingredients in fertilizers and pesticides. The information on yeast and phosphate is from


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